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2010-07-11 来源:竞聘写作网 点击:


  在第一轮六方会谈结束半年之后,第二轮六方会谈2月25日在北京举行。中、朝、美、韩、俄、日各方都致力于通过对话,减少疑虑,建立信任,和平解决朝鲜半岛问题,为东北亚和平创造机会。作为东道方,中国为会议的顺利举行竭尽全力。朝核问题第二轮六方会谈2月28日闭幕,发表了主席声明。 dedecms.com

  The following is the full text of the Chairman's Statement for the Second Round of Six-Party Talks on the Korean nuclear issue on February 28, 2004.


  一、 2004年2月25日-28日,中华人民共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、日本国、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、美利坚合众国在北京举行了第二轮六方会谈。 内容来自dedecms

  二、 各方代表团团长分别为中国外交部副部长王毅、朝鲜外务省副相金贵冠、日本外务省亚洲大洋州局局长薮中三十二、韩国外交通商部次官补李秀赫、俄罗斯外交部副部长洛修科夫,美国国务院助理国务卿凯利。


  三、 各方一致认为,第二轮会谈启动了实质问题的讨论,这是有益和积极的。各方态度是认真的。通过会谈,各方增进了对彼此立场的了解,同时也存在分歧。

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  四、 各方表示将致力于朝鲜半岛无核化,并愿本着相互尊重、平等协商的精神,通过对话和平解决核问题,维护朝鲜半岛和本地区的和平稳定。


  五、 各方表示愿和平共存,并同意采取协调一致的步骤,解决核问题和其他关切。


  六、 各方一致同意继续会谈进程,原则同意于2004年6月底之前在北京举行第三轮会谈。各方同意成立工作组,为会谈做准备。工作组的职能将通过外交渠道商定。 dedecms.com

  七、 朝鲜、日本、韩国、俄罗斯和美国代表团一致对中国为成功举办两轮六方会谈所做努力表示感谢。

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  1. The Second Round of Six-Party Talks was held in Beijing among the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America from 25th to 28th of February, 2004.


  2. The heads of delegations were Mr. Wang Yi, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC; Mr. Kim Kye-gwan, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DPRK; Ambassador Mitoji Yabunaka, Director-General for the Asian and Oceanian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; Ambassador Lee Soo-Hyuck, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the ROK;Ambassador Alexander Losiukov, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Mr. James Kelly, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State.

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  3. The Parties agreed that the second round of the Six-Party Talks had launched the discussion on substantive issues, which was beneficial and positive, and that the attitudes of all parties were serious in the discussion. Through the talks, while differences remained, the Parties enhanced their understanding of each other's positions.


  4. The Parties expressed their commitment to a nuclear——weapon-free Korean Peninsula, and to resolving the nuclear issue peacefully through dialogue in a spirit of mutual respect and consultations on an equal basis, so as to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the region at large.


  5. The Parties expressed their willingness to coexist peacefully. They agreed to take coordinated steps to address the nuclear issue and address the related concerns. 织梦好,好织梦

  6. The Parties agreed to continue the process of the talks and agreed in principle to hold the third round of the Six-Party Talks in Beijing no later than the end of the second quarter of 2004. They agreed to set up a working group in preparation for the plenary. The terms of reference of the working group will be established through diplomatic channels. dedecms.com

  7. The delegations of the DPRK, Japan, the ROK, Russia and the USA have expressed their appreciation to the Chinese side for the efforts aimed at the successful staging of the two rounds of the Six-Party Talks.


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