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2010-01-24 来源:竞聘写作网 点击:

According to the U.S. Institute of Texas, an agricultural research company, in the manufacture of bio-ethanol at the same time requires a lot of water, and watermelon can not only provide sufficient ethanol, can also provide enough water t

According to the U.S. Institute of Texas, an agricultural research company, in the manufacture of bio-ethanol at the same time requires a lot of water, and watermelon can not only provide sufficient ethanol, can also provide enough water to participate in reactions. Through the watermelon market survey found that, in the United States each year, 36 million tons of watermelon due to be sold while the rot in the fields, these watermelon enough to make 2.5 million gallons of ethanol.

The institute said that from the results of the experiment to see, watermelon is comparable to high-sugar crops, corn and honey, one of the sources of ethanol fuel, which means that the United States, watermelon growers who do not have to worry about the future of at least sell a watermelon.

Forget chip fat, sugar cane or rapeseed oil – the latest source of biofuel could be watermelons.

Scientists have discovered that the fruit is a great source of sugar that can be readily distilled into alcohol to power cars and farm machinery.

Sweet, juicy watermelon, fresh thirst-quenching, life is a popular summer favorite fruit. U.S. scientists have discovered one of its new role, watermelon also can produce ethanol fuel, which is a renewable energy.

Annual harvest season, the total number of watermelon due to skin damage or skin "abnormal" by retailers dislike. Research team led by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Weienfeishen study these discarded watermelon juice is a potential value in use. United States Fish Science Daily Web site quoted as saying: "We found that the watermelon juice can provide easy to ferment sugar, these elements so far not been used to make ethanol fuel."

The researchers said that from the Guardia per hectare, where the rest of watermelon can be extracted about 76 liters of fuel. Ethanol is a clean energy, mainly from grain and sugar crops. Some local Guanong leftover melon can not create ethanol for fuel skepticism. But the fish and his colleagues through a series of experiments show that watermelon can indeed produce ethanol.

Fish the team calculated that a year can make use of waste produced 9.46 million liters of ethanol watermelon.

In 2008, the nation\'s corn and other crops produced 34.1 billion liters of ethanol. In contrast, watermelon can provide bio-fuels is only a small part.

However, the process of producing ethanol with corn and molasses need plenty of water, and sometimes fermented to add nitrogen will also be required. Watermelon juice through the production of ethanol can significantly reduce water use, can also provide nitrogen needed for fermentation, if the watermelon juice, or molasses added to a mixture of corn, you can make these bio-fuel raw material to save 15%. According to Xinhua News Agency


December 18, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed since 1975, the first energy bill, the bill calls for a reduction of oil imports, a substantial increase in ethanol and other bio-fuels to add the ratio. According to a recent U.S. federal Energy Information Administration said in May this year, ethanol production increased by nearly 8% to a record 2075.2 million barrels, while the source of bio-fuels such as ethanol that includes a number of food crops, including corn. The United States, this practice caused the dissatisfaction of many Third World countries because these countries have many people to eat food and die of starvation, the Americans had to do with the life-saving food to feed the fuel cars.

With the rising food prices, the production cost of ethanol and other bio-fuels has also risen, in order to reduce costs and moral responsibility, the Americans began looking for alternative crops to produce ethanol vehicle, watermelon is a good choice.












