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2010-03-22 来源:竞聘写作网 点击:

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Good night, everyone!
    I’m a freshman. My friends all call me darwinxie. Please do not mistake me as
    First, I want to tell you a story. In a remote and poor village, a thin and weak boy was sold by
his brutal father. It’s the kindhearted mother who redeemed him.
    But unfortunately the little boy’s mother died in an accident at his 8 years old. Before long his ruthless father sold the valuable and his one full year-old brother. The irresponsible father left home and abandoned his six young children and his elder parents. From then on, all relatives never contacted them. All villagers treated them apathetically.
    The six children are young. But their life is poor and hard. The 12 years old brother and 10 years old sister discontinued their studies. They stayed at home looking after the younger brothers and sisters. They never have new clothes, beautiful stationery and their own pin money. But in the    daily life they climb up mountains to chop woods and pick wild fruits; they dive into water to catch shrimps and hent loach; they pick up wasters in the street and do the farm work in the field. They are strong and healthy.
    It’s their elder grandparents who grew them up by cultivating the land. In spite of illnesses, they started work early and knocked off late. You can not imagine how many times they fell in a faint.
    Facing the hardship and disability, he didn’t fall down although he ever cried. Because he has the fixed belief that the sun will shine again after rain. He always ranked first in junior high school. But when he was 13 years old his grandpa died in his bed. Misfortunes never come singly, his grandma became mentally disturbed.
   He was admitted to the key high school. But in order to derate his tuition fees and obtain the living cost of his family he chose to study in a private school. Whereas the condition of the school is not good even there is no playground. Still he didn’t complain. He didn’t give up. To him the most important thing is that he learned the true meaning of the thanksgiving.
   He will never forget his grandpa’s edification that his study should be better than others’ though his family is not better than others’. He did odd jobs after school. His sincerity and efforts received recognitions. Accordingly, he makes lots of friends in his growing path to maturity.
   This is the end of this story. Maybe you want to ask how the little boy’s life is now, and also his family’s. I’ll tell you that I’m just the hero of that story. I’m not a little boy anymore and I have become a man, a real man.
   Schoolfellows, what I want to say is that, please believe in ourselves, only if we face the darkness readily, however terrible it is, we will see the brightness finally.




